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Parents and Carers

Welcome to the section of our website designed especially for parents and carers of students at Prince Henry’s. Please see the links to access the information you require - there is a lot of information, so we have added a few quick links below to help with day to day life. 

Partnership with parents and carers is key to ensuring that children maximise their potential at school. Research has shown that where parents and carers are engaged with the work of the school, their child is more likely to achieve successful outcomes.

We aim to establish a partnership with parents and carers in which:

  • we take account of parents’ and carers’ views, providing opportunities to contribute to decision-making about whole-school matters
  • we enable parents and carers to support, and make decisions about, their own child’s learning, well-being and development
  • we maintain good quality, frequent communication with parents and carers.
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