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    Inside Stories

    Blogs from staff on various topics.

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    • Attendance - the post-pandemic landscape

      Published 07/02/24
      Navigating the Post-Pandemic Educational Landscape: National Concerns Surrounding School Attendance and Absence Rates   The aftermath of the global pandemic has left an indelible mark on various aspects of society, and the education sector
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    • A shared understanding of our Vision and Values

      Published 24/10/23
      In September 2023 we launched our refreshed 'Vision and Values' statement and graphic. In this post, we consider why we need a shared understanding of what is important to us as a school. We also explain how we went about agreeing o
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    • A response to the recent parent/ carer survey around behaviour

      Published 22/05/23
      Last month we asked parents and carers to share their understanding and experience of our behaviour system, known in school as Positive Discipline (PD). The responses to this survey were reassuring, enlightening and at times thought-provoking to read
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