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Global Justice

We don’t just want our students to learn about the challenges which face our world – we want them to develop the confidence and compassion to do something about them.

Issues such as social justice, human rights, conflict resolution, diversity and sustainability are explored through the curriculum as well as through special events and projects. All students are encouraged to make an active contribution to achieving global justice by taking part in lobbying activities, making responsible choices and considering how their actions impact on others – both locally and globally.

Prince Henry’s has repeatedly been awarded Fairtrade School status, and currently holds the top level of the award as a ‘FairAchiever’ school. As well promoting Fairtrade within school, students have shared their learning with children from across the city, delivering assemblies and workshops to other schools and organising their own events to mark Fairtrade Fortnight.

During our annual 'Timanyane Day', students look in more depth at global citizenship and equality issues such as homelessness, child poverty, access to education and clean water, disability discrimination and children’s rights. All Year 10 students spend part of the day engaged in a community volunteering project with a local organisation.

Our student-led Global Justice Group leads the school community in putting global citizenship into action. This includes lobbying for social justice, raising awareness of human rights abuses and inequality, fundraising and encouraging others to take direct, peaceful action. Representatives from the group have been inspired by meeting Nobel Peace Laureates through the organisation PeaceJam UK, as well as by campaigns by groups such as Amnesty International.

Prince Henry’s was the first high school in Yorkshire to achieve Level 1 of UNICEF’s Rights Respecting Schools Award, which recognises schools which put the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) at the heart of its planning, policies, practice and ethos. The concept of children’s rights provides a framework within which our global learning takes place.