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  • Welcome to our 'Outstanding' Sixth Form

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    How to choose your courses

    Most students in the Sixth Form will select three A-level courses, or a combination of A-level and BTEC/Applied courses, and will continue with these courses for two years (this is a change from the old modular system in which students chose four courses in Y12 and dropped back to 3 in Y13.)

    Without a ‘drop’ subject, it is more essential than ever that students make informed subject choices. It will still be possible to take four A-level subjects, but this is only recommended for students with very strong GCSE results as the workload is considerable.

    Different universities have different requirements in terms of subject combinations, and certain courses at university will have very specific subject requirements. It is important to choose subjects at A-level which you think you will enjoy and want to study, but it is also important to select subjects in which you will be able to achieve a good grade and which keep your options open for the future. There is no point in choosing a subject which you think you should do if you are unlikely to get a good grade in this subject through lack of interest or aptitude. On the other hand, you need to think about your combination of subjects so that you do not close down opportunities for the future.

    We are here to advise you during this process, and the guide below gives you more information to help you decide where to begin.