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    Parent Zone

    Welcome to the section of our website designed especially for parents and carers of students at Prince Henry’s. Please see the links on the left to access the information you require.

    Partnership with parents and carers is key to ensuring that children maximise their potential at school. Research has shown that where parents and carers are engaged with the work of the school, their child is more likely to achieve successful outcomes.

    We aim to establish a partnership with parents and carers in which:

    • we take account of parents’ and carers’ views, providing opportunities to contribute to decision-making about whole-school matters
    • we enable parents and carers to support, and make decisions about, their own child’s learning, well-being and development
    • we maintain good quality, frequent communication with parents and carers.
    Consultation Evenings

    We regularly hold a “Parent and Carer Consultation Evening” (PCC) to seek your views on a specific aspect of the school’s work. In the school year 2018/2019 these are scheduled to take place as follows:

    • Tuesday 13th November 2018
    • Wednesday 12th June 2019

    Further details are given in the Headteacher’s half-termly Newsletter, which is sent home to parents and carers in the final week of each half term.


    We ask you to complete a questionnaire about the school at least once every two years. We also monitor the Ofsted questionnaire, Parent View. Parents and carers can give their views of Prince Henry's at any time of the school year and at the time of a school inspection using this online questionnaire. Parent View has its own page on our website here.

    The Charter for Parents

    Every student's planner has a Home/School agreement page called The Charter for Parents, which sets out the expectations for parents and carers and school and is signed at the start of each year. A copy of this is available to download below.