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  • Welcome to our 'Outstanding' Sixth Form

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    Student Voice and Leadership

    We want students to develop confidence as well as communication and leadership skills so that they can make a difference in terms of what happens in their school, and beyond.

    Student Voice

    At the centre of our Student Voice provision is our Student Council (with elected 'Year Reps' for each year group) which meets several times a year under the leadership of our Senior Student Leadership Team (SSLT). The SSLT is made up of Sixth Form students who are chosen following a rigorous selection process including 'hustings' and a student ballot, thereby enabling all students to learn more about democracy, which is one of the four 'fundamental British values'. Representatives from the team meet each half term with the Headteacher and other members of the Senior Leadership Team to discuss the key points from recent Student Council meetings. 

    Student Council discussions are informed by the work of 'Form Reps' who are selected to represent each form group and lead half-termly 'form discussions', thereby ensuring that every student across the school has a voice. All students can also make suggestions to the Student Council at any point throughout the year using a special 'button' on the Student SharePoint site.

    Student Leadership

    There are multiple opportunities for students to develop their leadership skills, including through participation in the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award Scheme and through initiatives such as:

    • Fundraising
    • Library Ambassadors
    • Sports Leaders programme
    • Sixth Form volunteering
    • Peer mentoring
    • Reading Club (literacy) / SUMS Club (numeracy) support for younger students
    • Student Eco-mmittee
    • Free 2Bme Equality & Diversity Group