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    Pastoral Support

    The well-being of our young people is extremely important to us. We know that the teenage years can be difficult, and we have an extensive programme of pastoral support in place, with a team who work alongside our Attendance Team, to help our students get the most out of their time at school.

    Parents and Carers are a crucial part of this team, and we work with you to help you support your child through their life at secondary school. We appreciate that parents and carers also need support - have a look at the resources on our Well-Being Support for Parents and Carers, if you are in need. Let's all work in partnership for your child.

    This quick visual gives an overview of the pastoral support available through Prince Henry's. If you child is in Years 7-11, you may also want to read the Attendance and Punctuality, Behaviour and Attitudes, Online SafetyKS3 Support or KS4 Support Pages.

    Universal Services

    Form tutors are the first point of call for your child. Where possible, your child's Form Tutor will stay with the class from Year 7 to 11, mentoring the students through KS3 and KS4.

    Year Managers stay with year groups through either Keystage 3 or Keystage 4, working with our Keystage Directors to support young people to make the right decisions and achieve their full potential. They get to know the students very well and are able to signpost students towards further support, both in school and with external agencies.

    All students follow the PSHE curriculum, which gives them support with many of the issues faced by young people today. Assemblies and the form-time programme add to this - as well as the myriad opportunities in our extra-curricular and careers programmes.

    Students complete regular well-being surveys, with issues being followed up by appropriate members of staff.

    If students are identified as needing more support, they are referred to our targeted services or, depending on the level of need, to external services such as The Marketplace or Kooth.

    Targeted Services

    Our Student Well-being Officers offer both one to one and group support sessions.

    Some students will pop along to a well-being drop in, chat with staff and find that this level of support works for them. Other students need more support and our Well-being Officers will set up regular sessions with these students, counselling them and working with parents and carers to help that young person.

    If students are identified as needing more support, they are referred to our specialist services, accessed through the cluster.

    Cluster - Specialist Support

    Alongside the primary schools in our Cluster, we have access to a range of specialist support services, to which students are referred according to their needs. These can include services which work to support parents and carers alongside the child, or counselling or inclusion work.

    Family Support Worker

    Our Family Support Worker offers families with children support to build relationships within the family and in the local community to enable families to thrive together. This can include one to one work or attending the drop in groups, which can cover everything from emotional regulation at secondary school or support for parents and carers of neuro divergent children.


    The Targeted Mental Health in Schools counsellors have one to one sessions with students who have been referred by the pastoral team. These usually last for some weeks, while the student and their counsellor work together. These are accessed through internal referrals from school to the Cluster.


    The NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health teams work with students who have been referred to the cluster by their GP, leading to counselling work.

    Area Inclusion Partnership

    Sometimes students and families need a different kind of support and school can refer families to the AIP. The AIP will also work alongside the services above. The Area Inclusion Partnership exists to reduce exclusions and support the development of social, emotional and mental health and well-being. The AIP works with school and families to help students who are most vulnerable, to ensure the best quality of education and outcome for them and their families.