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    Trips abroad

    Few schools offer such a broad range of opportunities for students to visit other countries, taste different cultures and discover the richness of the world first-hand. In a typical year, some 500 students participate in one of more than a dozen foreign visits and exchanges which are on offer.

    Recent and forthcoming visits include:

    Students in Parc Guell, Barcelona
    Year 7 Spanish Trip


    Students learning to make croissants
    Year 7 French Trip
    The Opal Coast


    Students in front of Cologne Cathedral
    Year 8 German Trip


    Students walking through trench
    Year 9/10 History Trip
    French & Belgian Battlefields


    Stduents on rocky crag cliff in Iceland
    Year 11 Geography Trip


    Students on top of Table Mountain
    Year 9/10 Sports Tour
    South Africa


    Students in front of the Brandenburg Gate
    Year 11 History Trip


    Students in fromt of Aachen Cathedral
    German Exchange


    Students in Madrid
    Spanish Exchange


    Students hugging front of Notre Dame
    Year 12/13 Art Trip
    Paris / Amsterdam


    Students singing in choir
    Music Tour


    Group of students on ski slope
    Ski Trips
    Italy / USA