Prince Henry’s Grammar School is one of the broad majority of English schools where it is agreed policy that students (in our case below the Sixth Form) wear school uniform. Our smart uniform is designed to be practical and affordable. It is one way in which we aim to promote a sense of pride and to teach students that they have a responsibility to themselves and to each other to ensure that the good name and reputation of the school are preserved and developed.
In cases of financial difficulty, help with uniform may be available, and we operate a secondhand uniform rail in Reception, where every item of uniform is just £1. Any parent/carers who think they may be entitled to such assistance are asked to contact their child's Year Manager. To obtain advice regarding the provision of welfare benefits i.e. free school meals, see the advice from Leeds City Council here.
Students not conforming to correct standards of uniform will be isolated from other students. Where an explanatory note is provided by parents, they will be allowed to work in the Library/NET Centre for up to two days. After this time, or where there is no parental explanation, students will work in the Isolation Room until the infringement is rectified. A doctor’s note must be provided where, for medical reasons, students cannot wear school shoes.
Uniform Requirements
For details of the Sixth Form Dress Code please click here.
KS3 and KS4 Uniform Requirements
Skirt* |
Navy - Traditional tailored school skirt. Without pleats and must not be a pull-on Lycra skirt. This should be worn no more than the student's hand width above or below the knee. |
Trousers^ |
Navy trousers – these should be boot cut or tailored, must have a waistband, traditional zip and cover the ankles. Slim, skinny fit or tapered trousers are not allowed. Invisible/concealed zips are also not acceptable. |
Blazer |
Navy blue blazer with embroidered school crest worn at all times within the school building. Teachers may give permission to remove blazers if the classroom is particularly warm or the learning activity requires it. |
Jumper |
Optional - Navy blue ‘V’ neck jumper with embroidered school crest. Students must not wear any other jumper or hoodie under their blazer. |
Shirt |
Plain white tailored style with traditional collar, long sleeved (not to be worn with sleeves rolled up) or short sleeved. The shirt must be long enough to remain tucked into trousers or skirt at all times. |
Belt |
Optional - Black. No decorative buckle. |
Socks |
Navy or black ankle socks only are permitted. |
Tights | Plain navy or neutral shade preferred. Black is permitted. |
Shoes |
Students must wear plain black shoes that have no logos or decorative element. Boots are not allowed and footwear must be tailored to fit under the ankle bone. Cloth pumps or trainers are not allowed in school. Heels must be no higher than 5cm. |
Tie |
Basic school design OR Sports tie OR Music tie. (There are different ties for Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4). |
Jewellery |
Watch. One earring per lobe – plain gold or silver stud only. No rings, bracelets or necklaces are permitted. Body/facial piercings including nose, eyebrow and tongue piercings (including the use of retainers) are not allowed in years 7-11. |
Make up |
Key Stage 3: No make up may be worn. Key Stage 4: Discreet make up may be worn. All years: No nail varnish may be worn including acrylics. |
Hair |
Respect must be given to our expectations of high standards of presentation and the following: · Long hair must be tied back for PE and other practical subjects. · Hair colours must be natural - no bold or extreme hair colouring is allowed. · Visible lines/patterns/symbols shaved into the head are NOT allowed. · The head must not be fully shaved below a grade 2 (lower grades are permitted at the side and back) · Hair accessories should be discreet in style and one plain colour only. |
Outdoor wear |
No outdoor wear, such as coats, hats, gloves and scarves, may be worn in the building before 3 pm. Denim, non-uniform jumpers, baseball caps or 'hoodies' must not be worn at any time within the school grounds. |
*Students who purchase skirts that are too short or too long will be asked to change them.
^Students who purchase trousers that are too slim or skinny will be asked to change them.
Uniform, which can be bought from JR Sports in Otley, who keep all items in stock, is expected to be worn as purchased. No additions or modifications (eg: badges) are allowed.
PE Kit can also be bought from Price and Buckland, as shown in the PE Kit Section.
We have a supply of second hand uniform which you are welcome to purchase. These are £1 per item, with the money going to the school hardship fund. Contact Reception to find out more.
Physical Education - KS3 & KS4 Kit List
The following outlines the PE kit requirements for Prince Henry's students. High standards of dress are expected of all students.
PE Kit (all years)
Compulsory Kit (from September 2021) | |||||||
Optional PE Kit (from September 2021) | |||||||
Extra-Curricular Kit Students should wear their PE kit for extra-curricular clubs or specific extra-curricular kit which can be purchased in addition. Contact the PE Dept for more information. Important: It is compulsory for students to wear appropriate PE kit even when excused from physical activities so they can coach and assist in the lesson (unless this isn’t possible e.g. due to a cast). If students forget their PE kit, they will be required to borrow spare kit. If participation in practical PE is not possible for any reason, then a dated note from a parent/carer should be written in the planner outlining the issue. If non-participation is longer-term (more than two lessons) then a doctor’s note will be required After feedback from students/parents and discussion with staff, girls may wear the PHGS sports leggings (not other brands/types) without wearing a skort/shorts if they wish to. NB swimming lessons – if a student misses more than two swimming lessons, then they will attend a lunchtime catch up swim on a Wednesday. If a student misses more swimming lessons, they will be moved into the next available swimming group to catch up. The PE kit can be either ordered from the Prince Henry's school PE Kit area on the Price and Buckland website (the PE kit suppliers) or it's available to purchase in store at JR Sports. You can find more information about purchasing PE Kit from Price and Buckland on their leaflet here. |