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    Governance – Prince Henry’s

    Please see Meet the Governors to see a profile of each Governor and the Declaration of Business Interests. Please see Meetings for the PHGS Local Governing Committee Meeting Attendance Register.

    To find out about the Governance of the Collaborative Learning Trust and to view the documents listed below, please see the Collaborative Learning Trust section of the website.

    1. Annual Audited Accounts
    2. Annual Report
    3. Articles of Association
    4. Funding Agreement
    5. Memorandum of Association
    6. Register of Interests for the Collaborative Learning Trust’s Accounting Officer

    Structure of the Prince Henry’s Grammar School Local Governing Committee

    • 1 Foundation Appointed Community Governor
    • 1 Head Teacher Governor
    • 1 Elected Staff Governor
    • 3 Elected Parent Governors
    • 6 Elected Governors

    There are currently 11 Governors on the Local Governing Committee, serving a four year term of office:

    • Sally Bishop (Headteacher Governor)
    • Henrietta Duckworth (Parent Governor)
    • Helen Fraser (Parent Governor)
    • Rupy Hayre (Governor)
    • Stephen Hunt (Staff Governor)
    • Daniel King (Governor)
    • Jackie Moore (Governor, Safeguarding Governor)
    • Professor Simon Morgan (Parent Governor)
    • Amritpal Riat (Co-Opted Governor)
    • Kathryn Robinson (Chair, Prince Henry’s Grammar School’s Local Governing Committee)
    • Marjorie Rogan (Governor, SEND Governor)

    For the full list of current and historic governors registered on GOV.UK, please click here. To contact the Safeguarding Governor, please email

    Prince Henry’s Grammar School Local Governing Committee

    “The Prince Henry’s Grammar School Local Governing Committee maintains and enhances the broad range of community representation that has traditionally existed, and demonstrates the school’s commitment to ensure that the school is at the heart of its local community.  The Prince Henry’s Grammar School Local Governing Committee reports to the Collaborative Learning Trust Board.  Please click here for the Scheme of Delegation which incorporates the Prince Henry’s Local Governing Committee’s Terms of Reference.

    To contact the Chair of the Prince Henry’s Grammar School’s Local Governing Committee,  Mrs Kathryn Robinson, please write c/o the school at the address shown on the Contact Us page.

    To view the Trust-wide Governor Privacy Statement, please visit the Collaborative Learning Trust website.